Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday: Thanks But No Thanks

Yes, the economy counts on Black Friday spending these days. I know we’re all ‘supposed’ to want More, More, More and to give friends and family dazzling mountains of new stuff every Christmas. We just don’t need a lot more stuff.

I pass no judgment on people who love shopping. I know some wonderful people who love Black Friday and plan for this day way in advance. Some of them start before dawn, and that’s okay with me.

I’m just different. I’m not a ‘sport shopper’ who loves the hunt for the perfect things, surrounded by crowds and shopping drama. There are always great deals on other days in December; I find what I want to buy. Sometimes, my spouse and I take the same day off work and do all our shopping in one day (and have a relaxing lunch out.)

The day after Thanksgiving I am not scheduled to be at work. To me it’s the start of the Christmas season but hopefully I can stay out of all stores. I anticipate sleeping in a bit. Maybe we will make omelets and go to the Rec. Center to work them off. Then we’ll get out the Christmas music and tree, possibly even a little cookie baking. That sounds great to me.


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. It's the more, more, more philosophy that got our country in the financial troubles we are currently experiencing. The holidays should be about family, love, food, relaxing, not "I wonder how many gifts I am going to get this year".
